
转发 | iGEM2021-2022宣讲会回顾

Have you ever imagined

Together with your teammates,  

flame your interest 

in biosynthesis and genetic engineering.

Let the light of imagination 

illuminate the real world?

    On the evening of October 17th, the iGEM2021 CUHKSZ Information Session was held. 

    During the meeting, the student leader of the CUHKSZ team, Wu Tianqi, first introduced the iGEM competition to everyone. Next, team member Andre Lecona Buttelli showed the design and progress of this year's project. Finally, Tianqi delivered the plan for next year's competition and answered some questions. Everyone is encouraged to join the iGEM team!






    10月17日晚,iGEM 2021 CUHKSZ分享会圆满落幕。

    在分享会上, CUHKSZ团队的学生领队吴天祺首先向大家介绍了iGEM大赛概况及比赛内容。接着,团队成员Andre Lecona Buttelli展示了今年项目的设计思路和目前进度。最后,吴天祺提出了团队对于明年比赛的初步预想,并表达了对参赛团队的期待。会后,同学们针对项目需求和参赛收获等方面进行提问,也一一得到了讲者的详细回答。


Overview & Content

    iGEM is an influential international competition. Participants need to consider a real problem from life, design a bioengineering system through calculations, modeling, and experimental testing, and finally solve the problem through the system. In addition to the project design itself, the participants also need to propagate the project by making promotion videos and deliver presentation. The teams also need to conduct social promotions to get attention from the society to the project.

大赛概况 & 比赛内容



Design & Progress

    “EthaNO” is a tiny device that decomposes alcohol using AdhE, expressed by harmless genetically modified bacteria contained in PVA-SA water gel beads inside the device. We aim to provide people with opportunities to enjoy the flavors and health benefits of strong liquors without worrying about the damage that alcohol causes to your body. We believe that this project will change the way people approach alcohol consumption, converting liquors from a wellbeing liability to a healthy alternative drink for your meals.

今年设计 & 项目进度

我们今年设计的项目产品“EthaNO”是一种分解酒精的微型装置。它的原理是通过转基因方法使大肠杆菌表达乙醇-乙醛脱氢酶 (AdhE) ,以实现让细菌有效分解酒精的目的。同时,我们也设计了一款基于PVA-SA 水凝胶珠的容器来作为装置主体,从而避免装置内细菌和酒水的直接接触,使其在使用时更加安全和便捷。我们希望让人们有机会在享受茅台等烈酒的同时,不必担心酒精对身体的伤害。我们相信该项目将改变人们饮酒的方式,将酒类从一种健康负担转变为一种纯粹的享受。


Plan & Expectation

    For the next year’s competition, our idea is to set up organizations for our iGEM competition, and start to prepare for the competition from now on. We hope that more students with innovative ideas in biology, engineering design experience and art editing experience can join the team next year. At the same time, we plan to make good use of the high-quality resources of the college and the Greater Bay Area to carry out exchange activities with participating teams at home and abroad, learn from each other, make suggestions, and make progress together.

明年预想 & 团队期待



                 Q & A 


What kinds of abilities are needed for the participants? And what can I learn from the iGEM competition?

    Student from different major and academic fields are needed. From the past experience, students from LHS are the core of an iGEM team. For example, students in BIM can work in dry lab, while students in BME can work in engineering design and engineering modeling. Also, any students who do well in biological and chemical laboratory can work in the wet lab. Besides, we also need some students who are good at web design, visual design and data analysis. This competition is comprehensive, that is, it can train participants’ abilities in all aspects, including innovation ability, scientific research ability and the ability of promotion and propagation. The iGEM competition is highly recognized internationally. If we win a prize, it canbe a precious research experience for the participants.



How do you decide the topic?

   The students interested in this competition scanned the QR code (see the end of this article) to enter the preparation group of iGEM 2022. Later the student leader will hold an idea brainstorm. Everyone in the group is encouraged to learn from previous award-winning projects and come up with ideas. The leader will gather all the ideas and choose one as our topic.

    Some fascinating ideas were raised during the brainstorm this year. Such as making a bacterium that can produce bubble tea, as well as kill the mosquitos in our school through genetic engineering. The topic of iGEM is quite diverse and amazing. Welcome to join the competition next year and propose your own idea!



What is the timeline of next year's competition?

    We will form a preliminary iGEM team and start preparation from now on. The team members this year can also serve as your advisors. After the group is established, the leader can lead everyone to brainstorm the topic. The official recommendation is to finish the topic selection before April next year, and then start to prepare experimental materials and produce the project promotion video, etc. From May to October, the dry lab and wet lab ought to be carried out. The teams are also required to engage people in the community in our project to make it more valuable in society. If the pandemic situation is improved next year, you might be able to go to Boston to participate in the Giant Jamboree in November. It is an academic carnival activity, with teams from more than 40 countries. It is very interesting to exchange the frontiers of synthetic biology.


图源:Team: XMU_China (2020)


    我们各方面的人才都需要,但以我们及其他参赛队伍的经验来看,队员主要还是以我们LHS学院的同学组成。例如,生物信息学的同学可以负责dry lab的计算部分,生物医学工程的同学可以负责工程设计和建模的部分,实验能力较强的同学(如有生物竞赛经历或者上过生物实验课)可以来参与wet lab的操作。除此之外,我们还需要一些擅长网页设计、视觉设计和数据分析的同学。这个比赛比较综合,可以锻炼参赛者各方面的能力,包括创新能力、科研能力和包装宣传能力等。这个大赛在国际上的认可度还是比较高的,如果获奖,这将会是一段含金量很高的科研经历。


    对比赛感兴趣的同学扫码进入iGEM 2022筹备群(群二维码见文末),然后在leader的带领下一起开展头脑风暴。大家可以借鉴往年各个赛道及获奖的选题,或者从自身生活中的问题出发。我们今年选题的时候就有同学们提出了生活中一些很有意思的话题,比如利用基因工程手段让细菌生产一杯奶茶,以及如何利用基因编辑手段把校园里的蚊子都消灭掉等等。iGEM的选题是非常多元化且有趣的,欢迎大家参与我们明年的比赛并且大胆提出自己的想法,并利用整个参赛团队和学院的力量来实现这个想法。



    我们就可以即可建组,然后从现在开始筹备明年的计划。建组之后,就可以由新一年的leader带着大家开展选题等大赛筹备工作。今年项目组的成员会作为大家的advisor帮助大家,为大家提供建议和经验。官方建议明年四月之前把选题做完,就可以开始着手拍摄宣传片和准备实验材料等;五月开始逐步开展干实验和湿实验,并且筹备社区推广工作等。如果疫情条件允许,明年11月还可以去波士顿参加giant jamboree,类似于一个学术嘉年华的活动,与40多个国家的400多支队伍一起交流合成生物学前沿的内容,非常有意思。


Reference. Team XMU_China (2020)


Scan the QR code and join us!

Swipe down to get some information about iGEM!

    International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM) is founded by MIT, 2003, and it is currently being one of the most popular biology-based interdisciplinary global competitions. iGEM targets genetic engineering and other synthetic biology technologies, and iGEM promotes the solution of applied science problems in fields including environmental management, diagnostic detection, and development of advanced drugs and materials, etc. Early potential projects have been reported on journals like Science and Nature, or they have proceeded into the industrialization stage.


    国际遗传工程机器设计大赛(下简称iGEM)是03年由MIT发起的,目前面向全球最有知名度的生物专业交叉学科竞赛之一,也是合成生物学(Synthetic Biology)领域最高水平的国际性学术竞赛。iGEM是以基因工程等合成生物学技术为主导方向,并结合化学,数学,计算机,机械电子工程设计等多学科为辅的团队性竞赛。旨在激励解决包括环境治理,医学检测和药物与材料开发在内的一系列生物与应用科学问题的科研竞赛。其中,往届已有颇具前景的研究项目登上了《Science》和《Nature》等国际期刊,或是实现了产业应用。

More information refers to the official website: 





Join us! Let's support each other as a team!

                         iGEM Team

文案 | Andre Lecona Buttelli 2019级 生物医学工程

黄顺瑜 2020级 生物医学工程

刘晓婷 2019级 生物信息学

吴天祺 2019级 生物医学工程

排版 | 刘晓婷 2019级 生物信息学

摄影 | 黄顺瑜 2020级 生物医学工程

